Service Requests
Small Molecule Accurate Mass/Molecular ID Sample Submission Forms
Complete the accurate mass sample submission form for molecular formula validation, elemental composition calculation and/or molecular identification (NIST and /or online database searches). Please provide > 1mg sample and a low resolution LC-MS or GC-MS trace if available. Each compound should be on a separate form. For larger quantity sample submission (>10), complete one form with contact information nd provide the sample specific information in an Excel spreadsheet or ChemDraw file.
- Accuratemassform.docx (Word .docx)
- Accuratemassform.pdf (fillable PDF)
Peptide/Protein Services Sample Submission Forms
Complete the peptide/protein sample submission form for peptide servcies, including protein sequencing, intact accurate mass measurement, PTMs and ion mobility separation analysis. Please provide 100 µL of 0.1 mg/mL for peptide/protein samples or Coomassie stained gel bands. If sample is limiting, consult Ben Katz about minimum sample concentrations.
- ProteinMSform.docx (Word .docx)
- ProteinMSform.pdf (fillable PDF)
Quantitative Metabolomics Experimental Template
Qualified trained/users can reserve time on the Waters Quattro Premier or TQ Absolute triplequad instruments. Users should download and work through the QQQ template form, including doing a comprehensive literature search for prior LC-MS/MS method papers. If available users should identify instrument/analyte specific parameters, internal standards and an appropriate sample prep protocol. Update the template for your specific analytes and review with staff prior to running samples.
- QQQ Template (Word. docx)
- Instrument reservation calendars
MALDI Imaging Mass Spectormetry Sample Submission Form
For IMS services, complete the MALDI-IMS sample submission form. Provide contact information and details on sample prep and experimental goals, including any specific analytes of interest. Samples should be cryosectioned (10-20 µm) onto ITO slides and dropped off on dry ice for storage at -80 oC. Facility staff will process the sample for matrix application and imaging data acquisition. Data will be transferred to the Imaging Workstation for abalysis by SCiLS Lab Pro. Floating software licenses are also avalaible for remote processing; please contact staff for details.
- MALDI-IMS Sample Submission Form (Word .docx)