User Training

The majority of the facility's instruments are availble for walk-up open access to all trained users.
To qualify as a trained user, new users must receive basic training from facility staff and register their name, username and PI group prior to running samples. Student-on-student training is not allowed but we welcome senior students/postdocs supervising their laboratory members until new users have gained sufficient exeprience to run samples independently.
Basic instrument training (30 minutes) covers topics on:
- Sample preparation
- Compatible/incompatible solvents
- Appropriate target sample concentrations (too much <--useful range --> too little)Restrictions on sample additives (acids, bases, inorganic salts, detergents, protein, particulates, problematic additives, e.g. TFA, DMSO)
- Selection of instrument type/MS mode
- Sample submission via MassLynx OA Login
- Basic data processing and reporting in MassLynx
Instrument specific training (2 hours) provided every Wednesday @ 9:00 - 11:00 AM (LC-MS) and 11:00 - 12:00 PM (GC-MS)
- Review of ionization methods (ESI, EI/CI and MALDI) and MS detector types (quadrupole, ToF etc.)
- Introduction to Waters MassLynx (LC-MS systems), Thermo Chromeleon (GC-MS systems), ABSciex 5800 Explorer (MALDI), Bruker flexcontrol (MALDI)
- Experimental design
- Sample set submissions
- Data processing, e.g. Biopharmalynx, ProteinLynx, QuanLynx, Progenesis QI, SCiLS Lab Pro, ImageReveal
If you plan to attend a training session, please send an email to confirm date/time.
- For general introductory training including software (MassLynx, Chromeleon, SCiLS Lab Pro, Progenesis QI), small molecule analysis (LC-MS or GC-MS), triplequad quantitation and MALDI IMS - email to Felix GrĂ¼n (
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- For peptide/protein/oligonucleotide MS applications, LC-MSMS, ion mobility separation (IMS) and general MALDI ttraining - email to Ben Katz (
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- Alternative dates/times available only for groups of 3 or more.
- Bring a notebook and a test sample if available.
Training Fellowships and Work-Study Opportunities
MS Facility Graduate Student Fellowship
The Facility provides training opportunities for a graduate student fellow to learn advanced aspects of MS data acquisition, analysis and instrument operation. The position is suitable for students who are interested in careers involving high-end analytical services. For additional details and to apply, see this link and submit an application form.
Work-Study Lab Assistant
The MS Facility invites applicants eligible for work-study appointments to assiste with laboratory operations and perform daily lab duties. Duties include restocking consumables (vials, pipettes etc.), checking instrument solvents, checking instrument gas supplies, running QC samples and assisting with laboratory MS projects. The position is well suited to students with interests in pursuing careers in forensics, environmental studies, food and drug testing and biopharma research positions.
Some knowledge/experience with chemistry laboratory work is preferred. Prior experience with MS not required.
Send inquiries to Felix Grun (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).