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Please acknowledge use of MS Facility instruments and staff services in publications as appropriate. Include the phrase "We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility..." to facilitate collection of publication metrics. Some examples of sample text for facility services is provided below.

Accurate Mass Measurement
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with small molecule analyses and accurate mass measurements. Data were collected on a Waters LCT Premier by flow injection analysis (FIA) in methanol and data analyzed with MassLynx v. 4.1 software. In ESI+ mode, analyte m/z ions (M+H)+ or (M+Na)+ were validated to less than ± 5 ppm relative to the nearest sodiated polyethylene glycol (CAS: 25322-68-3, av. Mwt 400)) or sodiated methoxypolyethyleneglycol (CAS: 990-74-4, av. Mwt 350) calibrant peak lockmass. In ESI- mode, analyte m/z ions (M-H)- were validated relative to the nearest calibrant peak from the sodium formate cluster series (m/z 100-2000).”

Peptide/intact Protein Services
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with collection and analyses of protein mass spectrometry data. Data were collected on a Waters Acquity UPLC Xevo G2-XS QTOF system (NIH supplemental funding support received by: J.S. Nowick (NIGMS GM097562), Vy Y. Duong (NIH GM105938) and O. Cinquin (NIGMS GM102635). Data were analyzed with Waters MassLynx v.4.1 and <name of software package>."

Quantitative Omics
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with method development and quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of <analyte names/classes>. Data were collected on a Waters Acquity UPLC Quattro Premier and/or Waters TQ Absolute Premier triple quadrupole systems. Instrument funding support was provided by UCI’s Office of Research, MS Facility, Schools of Physical Sciences/Engineering/Biological Sciences/Medicine and Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences."

Imaging Mass Spectrometry
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) analyses. Data were collected on a Bruker ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF instrument and analysed in Bruker’s SCiLS Lab Pro software."