Accurate Mass Measurement
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with small molecule analyses and accurate mass measurements. Data were collected on a Waters LCT Premier by flow injection analysis (FIA) in methanol and data analyzed with MassLynx v. 4.1 software. In ESI+ mode, analyte m/z ions (M+H)+ or (M+Na)+ were validated to less than ± 5 ppm relative to the nearest sodiated polyethylene glycol (CAS: 25322-68-3, av. Mwt 400)) or sodiated methoxypolyethyleneglycol (CAS: 990-74-4, av. Mwt 350) calibrant peak lockmass. In ESI- mode, analyte m/z ions (M-H)- were validated relative to the nearest calibrant peak from the sodium formate cluster series (m/z 100-2000).”
Peptide/intact Protein Services
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with collection and analyses of protein mass spectrometry data. Data were collected on a Waters Acquity UPLC Xevo G2-XS QTOF system (NIH supplemental funding support received by: J.S. Nowick (NIGMS GM097562), Vy Y. Duong (NIH GM105938) and O. Cinquin (NIGMS GM102635). Data were analyzed with Waters MassLynx v.4.1 and <name of software package>."
Quantitative Omics
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with method development and quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of <analyte names/classes>. Data were collected on a Waters Acquity UPLC Quattro Premier and/or Waters TQ Absolute Premier triple quadrupole systems. Instrument funding support was provided by UCI’s Office of Research, MS Facility, Schools of Physical Sciences/Engineering/Biological Sciences/Medicine and Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences."
Imaging Mass Spectrometry
"We wish to thank the UCI Mass Spectrometry Facility and <staff name(s)> for assistance with Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) analyses. Data were collected on a Bruker ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF instrument and analysed in Bruker’s SCiLS Lab Pro software."