Waters Synapt G2 #1
The Waters Synapt G2 is a high resolution TOF/TOF instrument suitable for analysis of complex samples (peptides/proteins/metabolomics). An advanced Waters Acquity iClass UPLC and column manager provide versatile column chemistry and separations capabilities. The Synapt G2 also has an in-line ion mobility (IM) drift tube for orthogonal separation of isobaric species by molecular shape.
A separate hydrogen-deuteriume exchange (HDX) Acquity LC stack provides capabilities for protein-protein interaction domain mapping and enzyme reaction kinetic studies.
Access: Walk-up Open Access
Column: Acquity CM for UPLC C4, C18, HILIC and various other column chemistries
Solvents: 0.1 % FA, water, acetonitrile, methanol, or custom buffers
Analyzer: TOF/TOF and IMS
Autosampler: 2 x 48-well vial plates
Software: MassLynx 4.1 (w; driftscope for IMS)
Waters Synapt G2 #2
The Waters Synapt G2 #2 is a high resolution TOF/TOF instrument suitable for analysis of complex samples (peptides/proteins/metabolomics).
The Synapt G2 32 uses a Waters nanoAcquity LC system for low flow rate, high sensitivity applications from capillary columns.
The Synapt G2 also has an in-line ion mobility (IM) drift tube for orthogonal separation of isobaric species by molecular shape.
Access: Walk-up Open Access
Column: nano-capillary columns (C4, C18 etc. or IonKey inlet sources).
Solvents: 0.1 % FA, water, acetonitrile, methanol, or custom buffers
Analyzer: TOF/TOF and IMS
Autosampler: 2 x 48-well vial plates
Software: MassLynx 4.1 (w; driftscope for IMS)
Waters QTOF Premier
The Waters QTOF Premier is a TOF/TOF instrument used for basic peptide/protein analysis.
The QTOF-2 uses an Agilent 1100 LC pump and 1200 autosampler.
Access: Staff operated
Column: Acquity BEH C18
Solvents: 0.1 % FA:acetonitrile
Analyzer: TOF/TOF
Autosampler: none
Software: MassLynx 4.1