Waters Acquity UPLC Quattro Premier

The Waters Acquity UPLC Quattro Premier is used for targeted quantitative analysis of metabolites, lipids, peptides or other small molecule compounds. The Acquity UPLC system consists of a binary solvent manager (BSM), column manager (CM; four UPLC 50 mm columns plus 1 custom user defined column position) and 2-plate sample manager (SM). The Quattro Premier is a triple quadrupole detector operated in ESI- or ESI+ mode; APCI+ or - is also available.
Access: walk-up open access (reserve time via on-line calendar)
Columns: column manager with C4, C18, Fusion-C18 or HILIC as standard or user selected custom (PFP, amide, amino etc.)
Mode: ESI+, ESI- (or APCi+, APCI-)
Solvent: A1 (0.2 % acetic acid, 2 % acetonitrile in water), B1 (acetonitrile + 0.2 % acetic acid; or A2B2 user defined
M/z: Parent/daughter ions, CV, CE defined by user or trained by QuantOptimize
Analyzer: triplequadrupole
Autosampler: 2 plate autosampler (96-well round bottom plate or 48-well LVI vials)
Waters Xevo TQ Absolute with Acquity UPLC Premier

The Waters Xevo TQ Asbolute with Acquity I-Class Premier is our newest high performance instrument and used for high sensitivity targeted quantitative analysis of metabolites, lipids, peptides or other small molecule compounds. The Acquity I-Class Premier system consists of a quaternary solvent manager (BSM), column manager (CM; four UPLC 50 mm columns plus 1 custom user defined column position) and a sample manger (FTN SM) and sample organizer (SO) (12 plate capacity: various configurations for 48-vials, 96-well or 384 well plates). The Acquity UPLC Premier LC system features Waters proprietary flow path/column coating to eliminate passivity losses for challenging analytes (P or S compounds) giving improved peak shapes and sensitivity. The TQ Absolute can be opreated with a variety of input sources and ionization modes (ESI+ or ESI- mode; APCI+ or - is also available).
Access: walk-up open access (reserve time via on-line calendar)
Columns: column manager with C4, C18, Fusion-C18 or HILIC as standard or user selected custom (PFP, amide, amino etc.)
Mode: ESI+, ESI- (or APCi+, APCI-)
Solvent: A1 (0.2 % acetic acid, 2 % acetonitrile in water), B1 (acetonitrile + 0.2 % acetic acid; or A2B2 user defined
M/z: Parent/daughter ions, CV, CE defined by user or trained by QuantOptimize
Analyzer: triplequadrupole
Autosampler: 12 plate sample organizer (diverse vial and plate configurations)