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Bruker ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF
The Bruker ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF is principally dedicated for MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) applications where information on the spatial distributions of analytes is required. Biological histology samples are cryosectioned (10-20 µm thickness) onto indium titanium oxide (ITO) slides, coated with matrix compounds by spray deposition or sublimation, and MALDI data acquired by laser spot rasterization (spacing step size 10-100 µm). Imaging software (flexImaging, SCiLS Lab Pro or ImageReveal) generates images colored for relative analyte concentrations and performs statistical analyses (ROIs, PCA, cross-correlation, segmentation, classification etc.).
Access: staff operated and validated users
Analyzer: MALDI TOF
Mode: Positive or negative
Sample prep: histology sections or other thin flat specimens on ITO slides or metal targte plates
Sample plate: 2 standard size (3"x1") ITO slides or Bruker sample plate
Software: flexControl, flexImaging, flexAnalysis, SCiLS Lab Pro (Bruker), ImageReveal (Shimadzu)

Recent Publications:
  • Spatially resolved detection of small molecules from press-dried plant tissue using MALDI imaging. Zane G. Long, Jonathan V. Le, Benjamin B. Katz, Belen G. Lopez, Emily D. Tenenbaum, Bonnie Semmling, Ryan J. Schmidt, Felix Grün, Carter T. Butts, and Rachel W. Martin, Applications in Plant Sciences in press (2023). 

Poster abstract: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2022.11.1560