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April 2023
Waters Acquity UPLC Premier TQ Absolute now operational
TQ AbsoluteOur new Waters Acquity UPLC Premier TQ Absolute triplequad system has been installed and is now available for open access operation. Qualified users can reserve time on the instrument through the TQ-ABS calendar.
The TQ Absolute is Waters current top of the line triplequad MS instrument that brings increased sensitivity (10-50 fold) over previous models. Analyte concentrations in the picomolar range are now quantifiable allowing for direct analysis from many sample matrices with only miminal work-up. For instance pollutants in environmental water samples, studies of low endogenous hormone levels or components requiring negative mode (ESI-) are particularly improved.
The system is equipped with an Acquity UPLC Premier system. The Premier system uses a proprietatry coating to reduce passivation losses along the stainless steel flow path thereby increasing signal intensity and peak shape. Polyphospho- and sulfa-compounds show particularly enhanced performance. The Acquity stack includes a column manager with pre-programmed methods for a variety of column chemistries: reverse phase BEH C18 and CSH Hexyl-Phenyl, and BEH HILIC and Z-HILIC columns. Additional column chemistries are also available. The system also utilises a 10-bed autosampler plate organizer that accomodates 96-well shallow sample plates and 48-well low volume insert vial plates. Large sample sets from multiple users can therefore be logged.
The MS Facility has validated QQQ methods/protocols available for a variety of common analyte classes. Consult with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
  • Amino acids (5'-AIQC derivatized)
  • Fatty acids (TMAE derivatized)
  • Common steroid hormones
  • PFOA/PFOS contaminants
  • Antibiotics
The TQ Absolute instrument acquisition was made possible by funding contributions from the Office of Research, MS Facility, Schools of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences, Medicine and Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences. 
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