April 2023
Waters Acquity UPLC Premier TQ Absolute now operational

The TQ Absolute is Waters current top of the line triplequad MS instrument that brings increased sensitivity (10-50 fold) over previous models. Analyte concentrations in the picomolar range are now quantifiable allowing for direct analysis from many sample matrices with only miminal work-up. For instance pollutants in environmental water samples, studies of low endogenous hormone levels or components requiring negative mode (ESI-) are particularly improved.
The system is equipped with an Acquity UPLC Premier system. The Premier system uses a proprietatry coating to reduce passivation losses along the stainless steel flow path thereby increasing signal intensity and peak shape. Polyphospho- and sulfa-compounds show particularly enhanced performance. The Acquity stack includes a column manager with pre-programmed methods for a variety of column chemistries: reverse phase BEH C18 and CSH Hexyl-Phenyl, and BEH HILIC and Z-HILIC columns. Additional column chemistries are also available. The system also utilises a 10-bed autosampler plate organizer that accomodates 96-well shallow sample plates and 48-well low volume insert vial plates. Large sample sets from multiple users can therefore be logged.
The MS Facility has validated QQQ methods/protocols available for a variety of common analyte classes. Consult with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details.
- Amino acids (5'-AIQC derivatized)
- Fatty acids (TMAE derivatized)
- Common steroid hormones
- PFOA/PFOS contaminants
- Antibiotics
The TQ Absolute instrument acquisition was made possible by funding contributions from the Office of Research, MS Facility, Schools of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences, Medicine and Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Sciences.